._.tolong tidur yuyu._.

erk hello.

lagu oldies memenuhi ruang bilik.
romantik habis.
selagi tak kahwin.
tak kisah la kan nak tidur pukul berapa.
saya rindu mama.
mohon mamaku yang mithali.
datang ke sini.
anakmu yg solehah ni.
hilang arah tuju lagi.
huk! ktata.

p.s : sakit.


Anonymous said…
mane bole hilang arah tuju......pandang ke depan... tp jgn lupe yg di belakang...
Yuyu Salleh said…
pandang depan?tak lupa yg belakang?hahaha pelikkkk!
Anonymous said…
tak pelik pon......
Anonymous said…
yue yie napekah ini? hmm
Yuyu Salleh said…
Tade pape..just heartbroken..
But I can deal with it.. :)
Anonymous said…
sure.. sure.. ni? need any help?
Yuyu Salleh said…
Help? What kind of help?
Thanks anyway..dah dapat bnyk ptolongan dari Dia.. :)
Anonymous said…
emm... ok then.. be happy always.. just summmon me if u need any help.. gtg bye
Anonymous said…
owh.. one more thing... go eat some ice cream... will make u feel better
Yuyu Salleh said…

Thanks a lot stranger! ^^,
I'm not an ice cream person. Hehe
Anonymous said…
its ok if u r not an ice cream person.. just try it.. its really make you feel better... small portion will be ok.
Yuyu Salleh said…
So belanja lah kita, baskin robbins..candy cotton..one scoop should be okay.. ^^,
Anonymous said…
yes it is
Anonymous said…
yep.. should be... as long u r happy.
Yuyu Salleh said…
Who are you anyway??
Anonymous said…
emm.... nobody.... just someone who stop by...
Yuyu Salleh said…
Nobody without a name?
Anonymous said…
i am...
Anonymous said…
J'ai activé les commentaires sur ma page blogger, mais il ne montre que le lien des commentaires, et quand il est cliqué, une nouvelle page s'ouvre pour afficher les commentaires. Est-il possible d'avoir juste les commentaires montrent à ma droite la page principale sous le blog, je ne veux pas juste un lien vers la page de commentaires ..

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._.new life?maybe._.