._.help me?._.

..pix sedut sini..

..wahai si cantek & si ensem(sy la tuh..huu)..
..mintak tolong..
..kat mane bleh kayaking yek?..
..teringin sangat2..
..masuk forum outdoor activities..cam tak bnyk lak post pasal kayak..
..yg ade..mountain & rock climbing..hiking..water rafting..etc..
..selain kt UM laa..hee..kalo tao..share2 la.. *wink

p/s : uh.......nk amik diving license...nnt leh menyelam kat lautan hindi...yeah...!erkk jap,..jap...berenang pon tak pandai..canela.....?duh! apepon.. KK!!wait 4 me yaw!! ^_^


Anonymous said…
tasik putrajaya
Anonymous said…
Yuyu Salleh said…
da pegi putrajaya..ta jmp tmpt kayak tu..tny org kat situ pon diorg tatao..duh!...

nwy.....wah!!!thanks 4 da link!!..
syg kamoo lebih2...en/cik anon!! iyah!! >3<
Anonymous said…
got map to the place and also price for student brocure... hope this will help
Yuyu Salleh said…
ya..ya..i think i have to study the map first..ouh! thanks so much! :)
Anak Merdeka said…
pegi la kat Kelab Tasik Putrajaya.... Presint 9...situ ade kayak n rowing...slalu la training kat situ..hehehehe...

diving? best tu...ade sorang member yang buat kelas diving kat PD...murah je die ambik...kalo nak bgtau la..hehe
Anonymous said…
sy cikgu renang yg gagal.....guguugugu~
Yuyu Salleh said…
en.afiq : owh kt presint 9 ea?...hehe baek2..thanks..

eh..kt PD leh buat diving license ea?...how much ek cost dia?..

en/cik anon : hahaha sapekah?azi kah?..tape2..nnt sy blaja dr yg btol2 pakar.. :)
Anak Merdeka said…
yup kat presint 9... situ banyak equipment...

yup..buat dengan geng2 tentera darat..hehehe..mau? murah je..harga member..hehehe...kalo nak bgtau la
Yuyu Salleh said…
owh...nnt nak cari.. :)

murah tu brp?..huhu sbb dkt KK ta smpi 1K..huk!.....tp jauh la pulak kan...uhuhu sangat bminat!
Anak Merdeka said…
bawah 1k la..hehe..dalam rm700 kalo xsilap....
Yuyu Salleh said…
ye ke?
hee 700 not bad la.. :)
ouh teruja!! spnjg tahun ke ade?
Anak Merdeka said…
yup rasanya...kalo nak afiq boleh comfirmkan dengan Mej Izam...
Yuyu Salleh said…
sy inbox di fb kamoo!.. :)
Anonymous said…
jom kayaking!
Yuyu Salleh said…
en.afiq : thanks a lot! :)

anon : ayuh!hehe

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